Thursday, February 25, 2010

Blast from the past: Clint Eastwood talks about Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil

In this 1997 interview, Clint Eastwood has some nice things to say about working with Kevin Spacey and John Cusack (and scriptwriter John Lee Hancock) while we talk about his film version of Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil. And he's very gracious when I try to fit this offbeat project into the context of his entire career. But what I enjoy most about re-watching this archival interview: Eastwood's whole attitude. Like, yeah, he read the book, he liked it, he wanted to make a movie version of it, and that's that. And if anyone had a problem with his trying to film an unfilmable novel... well, screw 'em, he was already at a point in his career where he could do any damn thing he wanted to.

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