Monday, November 13, 2006

Rocky Mountain High

I just flew back from the Denver Film Festival, and boy, are my arms tired. Ba-da-boom! But seriously, folks: This was my first (but I hope not last) visit to one of North America's longest-running celebrations of cinema, and I want to tell you all about it. That is, just as soon as I recover from a mad rush of hearty partying during my last night in the Mile High City. Please stay tuned for detailed reports about, among other things, a delightfully sly, smart and sensitive mockumentary about high school teachers, a surprisingly compelling mutant-monster melodrama from South Korea -- and an ingeniously clever slasher-movie parody that is even better than David Poland reported last spring from South by Southwest. BTW: The latter two films feature Scott Wilson, the prodigiously protean character actor I was honored to query during a special Denver Festival tribute on Saturday night. Once again: More to come.

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